Are you a woman with NSW mining experience?
We’re seeking information around attracting and retaining women in the NSW Mining industry, to better understand areas for improvement in the industry.
The NSW mining industry is world class, but we’re always striving to do better: to help build stronger communities, improve our safety record, reduce our impact on the environment, and attract more women into what has traditionally been a male-dominated industry.
NSW Mining is working on an important piece of research, the
Women in Mining NSW
report, to find out the benefits and challenges for the women who make up around 11% of the NSW mining workforce, as well as the experiences of those women who have left the industry.
The final report will include more detailed data on the number of women working in the industry and their roles, profiles of industry ambassadors and examples of company best practice.
But the first step is to collect views from women with experience in NSW mining. To help us get data to be able to provide an accurate snapshot of the industry, we’re asking women who are currently employed in, or have previously worked with, NSW mining to complete a survey. You can find the survey
All personal information will be kept private, and we will contact you for consent should we wish to use any quotes in the report. Please feel free to pass this link on to other females you know who are currently, or were previously, employed in the NSW mining industry.
If you have any questions, comments, or difficulties completing the survey, please contact Chrissie Clarke, Policy Manager People and Skills on
or 02 9274 1423.
Questionnaires must be completed by
Friday 15 November 2013.