Increased mining spending, jobs and supply businesses in the Illawarra
Results from the NSW Minerals Council’s latest annual Member Expenditure Survey have confirmed mining’s continued important economic role in the Illawarra.
In the last financial year, participating mining companies directly injected $1.1 billion into the Illawarra’s economy – an increase of around $100 million on the previous year and the third highest survey result since the survey was first conducted in 2012.
The $1.1 billion of direct mining spending in the Illawarra last financial year included $242 million on wages and salaries, and nearly $860 million for goods and services purchased from over 450 local mining supplier businesses across the region. The same companies also supported over 2,090 jobs in the Illawarra, a slight increase on the previous year.
The $1.1 billion in direct mining spending last financial year in the region is estimated to have contributed around 9% of the GRP of the local economy during this period.
“Mining operations in the Illawarra region have increased local spending while supporting over 2,000 local mining jobs, highlighting the importance of mining for local communities and the region’s economy,” NSW Minerals Council CEO Stephen Galilee said today.
“The ongoing strength of the mining industry continues to provide a solid foundation for the region’s economy, and with the right policy settings this can continue for many years to come.”