Survey confirms mining spending boost and jobs growth in the Illawarra

Survey confirms mining spending boost and jobs growth in the Illawarra Results from the latest NSW Minerals Council’s Member Expenditure Survey have confirmed mining’s continued critical economic role in the Illawarra. In the last financial year, participating mining companies supported over 2,060 jobs in the Illawarra, an increase of over 200 jobs compared to the previous year and only the […]

Economy21 February 2024

Mining Communities to Carry Unfair Burden of Budget Repair | Statement from NSW Minerals Council CEO Stephen Galilee 

Today’s NSW Budget confirms the unfair burden regional mining communities will be forced to bear in the task of budget repair. While the NSW Government’s effort to repair the State’s fiscal position is commendable, regional mining communities are amongst those hardest hit. Mining royalties are forecast to deliver the NSW government $13.2 billion over the […]

Economy18 September 2023