What We Mine

So many things in our modern world are either made from minerals or are produced with the help of minerals.

Minerals are essential to produce materials required for construction and manufacturing. Like coking coal, which is used to make steel when combined with iron ore. Coking coal is also used to make cement.

Electricity generated from thermal coal is part of the world’s energy mix. In NSW, electricity generated from coal helps us to heat and cool our homes, keep the lights on, prepare and preserve the food we eat, as well as supplying us with fresh drinking water. Thermal coal also provides a stable and affordable energy supply to keep NSW businesses thriving each day.

Copper is the third most-consumed metal in the world, after iron and aluminium. In NSW there are mining operations producing copper, which is usually mined from the same mineral deposits as gold, in places including Orange, Dubbo, Parkes, Cobar and West Wyalong.

Black Coal
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Mineral Sands
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Rare Earths
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